var type = "IE"; // Variable used to hold the browser name detectBrowser(); function detectBrowser() { if (window.opera && document.readyState) { type="OP"; // The surfer is using Opera of some version } else if (document.all) { type="IE"; // The surfer is using IE 4+ } else if (document.layers) { type="NN"; // The surfer is using NS 4 } else if (!document.all && document.getElementById) { type="MO"; // The surfer is using NS6+ or Firefox } else { type="IE"; // I assume it will not get here } } document.onkeydown = function(e) { if (!e) { // If the browser did not pass the event information to the // function, we will have to obtain it from the event register. if(window.event) { e = window.event; // IE 4+ } else { return; } } if (typeof(e.keyCode) == 'number') { e = e.keyCode; // DOM } else if (typeof(e.which) == 'number') { e = e.which; // NS 4 } else if(typeof(e.charCode) == 'number') { e = e.charCode; // NS 6+, Mozilla 0.9+ } else { return; } if ((e==39 || e==63235) && document.getElementById("next")) { location.href = document.getElementById("next").href; } else if ((e==37 || e==63234) && document.getElementById("prev")) { location.href = document.getElementById("prev").href; } } /*****************************************************************************/ function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01 var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) { d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);} if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i= rightmost) { clearInterval(interval); return; } else { leftPosition += 10; document.getElementById(menuId).style.left = leftPosition+"px"; } } } function scrollLeft(menuId) { if (DOMCapable) { leftPosition = parseInt(document.getElementById(menuId).style.left); if (leftPosition <= leftmost) { clearInterval(interval); return; } else { leftPosition -= 10; document.getElementById(menuId).style.left = leftPosition+"px"; } } } function slideIn(menuId) { if (document.getElementById(menuId)) { clearInterval(interval); interval = setInterval('scrollRight("'+menuId+'")', 5); } sidebarVisible = true; } function slideOut(menuId) { if (document.getElementById(menuId)) { clearInterval(interval); interval = setInterval('scrollLeft("'+menuId+'")', 5); } sidebarVisible = false; } function toggleSidebar(menuId) { if (!sidebarVisible) { slideIn(menuId); } else { slideOut(menuId); } } /*****************************************************************************/ function popImage(img, title) { picfile = new Image(); picfile.src = img; picfile.imageTitle = title; fileCheck(100); } function fileCheck(i) { if ((picfile.width != 0 && picfile.height != 0) || i == 0) { makeWindow(); } else { setTimeout("fileCheck(" + (i-1) + ")", 50); } } function makeWindow() { var img = picfile.src, wd = picfile.width, ht = picfile.height, title = picfile.imageTitle; var args = "resizable=yes"; if (wd == 0) { // Default window size if image load is slow wd = 800; ht = 600; args += ",scrollbars=yes"; } if (window.screen) { var isIE = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) ? 1 : 0; var avwd = screen.availWidth, avht = screen.availHeight; if (avwd < wd || avht < ht) { args += ",scrollbars=yes"; } var xcen = (avwd > wd) ? (avwd - wd) / 2 : 0; var ycen = (avht > ht) ? (avht - ht) / 2 : 0; args += ",left=" + xcen + ",screenX=" + xcen; args += ",top=" + ycen + ",screenY=" + ycen; if (avwd < wd) { wd = avwd; if (isIE) wd -= 12; } if (avht < ht) { ht = avht; if (isIE) ht -= 32; } } args += ",width=" + wd + ",innerWidth=" + wd; args += ",height=" + ht + ",innerHeight=" + ht; popwin =, 'fullSize', args);; popwin.document.write(''); popwin.document.write(''); popwin.document.write(''); popwin.document.write(''); popwin.document.write(''+title+''); popwin.document.write(''); popwin.document.write(''+title+'
Карта'); popwin.document.write(''); popwin.document.close(); } /*****************************************************************************/ var exifVisible = false; function setLayer(obj,lyr) { var newX = findPosX(obj)+5; var newY = findPosY(obj)+5; var x = new getObj(lyr); = newY + 'px'; = newX + 'px'; } function findPosX(obj) { var curleft = 0; if (!obj) { return curleft; } if (obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curleft += obj.offsetLeft obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else if (obj.x) { curleft += obj.x; } return curleft; } function findPosY(obj) { var curtop = 0; if (!obj) { return curtop; } if (obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curtop += obj.offsetTop obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else if (obj.y) { curtop += obj.y; } return curtop; } function getObj(id) { if (type=="IE") { this.obj = document.all[id]; = document.all[id].style; } else if (type=="MO" || type=="OP") { this.obj = document.getElementById(id); = document.getElementById(id).style; } else if (type=="NN") { if (document.layers[id]) { this.obj = document.layers[id]; = document.layers[id]; } } } function toggleExif(parentId, id) { var parent = document.getElementById(parentId); MM_showHideLayers(id,'',(exifVisible) ? 'hide' : 'show'); setLayer(parent,id); exifVisible = !exifVisible; }