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Канада. Достопримечательности Канады


видео Канада. Достопримечательности Канады

Топ 20 — достопримечательности Канады Смотреть всем!

The population of Canada is about 36 million people (2016). Most of the population lives not far from the border with the United States.

Канада. Достопримечательности Канады

The largest cities of the country are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Toronto is an important economic centre of Canada and one of the safest cities in the world. Montreal is the second largest city. There is only one official language in Montreal and it is French. Vancouver is the third largest city of the country. It is a multinational city with friendly vibes.

There are a lot of places worth visiting in this country.

Niagara Falls are probably the most famous waterfalls in the world. This scenic place attracts tourists from everywhere. It is located on the border between Canada and the United States. Niagara Falls are not very high, but they are 323 metres long.

In Canada there are a lot of national parks. They all represent different regions of the country and are protected. Banff is Canada’s oldest national park.

Winter and summer temperatures across Canada vary a lot. Winters can be very cold with temperatures as low as -40 °C. Summer temperatures can reach +35 °C.

Canada’s flora is very diverse. There are broad-leaved, mixed and coniferous forests in Canada. In the north of the country there is tundra which is followed by arctic desert.

Canada is inhabited by different animals. There are reindeer, lemmings, musk-oxen in Canada. In the south fauna is more varied. There are plenty of fishes in natural reservoirs of the country.

Канада – страна в Северной Америке. Это вторая крупнейшая страна в мире. Столицей Канады является Оттава. Официальные языки страны – английский и французский.
