Many have heard about this amazing mushroom. We know that this mushroom grows somewhere underground, and without the help of four-legged helpers (pigs or dogs) it is almost impossible to find it. Perhaps this is where our knowledge ends. But what is a truffle? What kind of species? Why is he so good?
Some information about truffles
Truffles belong to the genus marsupials, having underground tuberous fruit bodies. The closest relatives of truffles are morels.
Truffles are usually found in deciduous forests. The trumpet mycelium forms with the roots of the plant, under which it grows, a stable mutually beneficial association, called mycorrhiza. In total, there are nine types of truffles that grow in different parts of the world, and each species prefers its own wood species. Sometimes truffles are called mushrooms that have similar fruit bodies, which can also be eaten, but they are much lower in value than the real ones. There is also an inedible type of truffle for people - deer, which is eaten by deer and some rodents.
By the way, a person is not able to find a place where the truffle is located. The mushroom (where this forest delicacy grows, only animals can identify) has a peculiar smell. Usually for this purpose attract specially trained dogs and pigs.
What does the taste of truffle look like? How does it differ from ordinary mushrooms? This truffle has its own unique aroma and taste. It resembles both well-done sunflower seeds and walnuts, berries, Moss, fallen leaves - that's what a truffle is. The water in which you want to place the truffle for a while becomes like soy sauce.
According to historians, the fact that such a truffle, how to get it and eat it, was known to the ancient Sumerians. In ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, this fungus was attributed to medicinal properties, and it was used by witch magicians by medieval alchemists and magicians. But they received the greatest popularity during the reign of Louis XIV. For us, truffles came to Russia after World War 1812 year
Types of truffles grown in Europe
In Europe, the following types of truffles are found:
- Summer (also called black Russian) truffle. It has a tuber-like or rounded fruit body of brown-black or bluish-black color. Usually grows under the roots of birch, oak, hornbeam, beech. It is distributed practically throughout Europe up to Scandinavia (including in Russia). Not as valuable as other types of truffles, but also considered a delicacy.
- Winter truffle. Its shell (peridium) is covered with polygonal or thyroid formations. The mushroom has a reddish purple or black color. It is found mainly in Italy, France, Switzerland. It smells like musk.
- Italian truffle. Despite its name, it is also found in France and other European countries. Fruits are light ocher or brownish in color. It has a pleasant spicy smell, and tastes like garlic cheese. It is used, as a rule, in raw.
- Black (also called Perigord historical area in France) truffle. Mushroom, the price of which reaches 1000 € per kilogram, has a color ranging from reddish brown to black and purple. It can be used both in cooked and raw as a seasoning.
By the way, truffles can be grown, although not as much as, for example, champignons. As far back as the 19th century, it was noticed that if acorns were planted from the oak under which truffles grow, then these mushroom delicacies will also grow under the roots of the new tree. In France, where they know well what a truffle is, at one time 750 km2 were planted with such groves, from which it was possible to harvest 1,000 tons of these delicacies. Unfortunately, this process is very long. To get a full harvest, it takes about 30 years, after which the number of truffles collected drops sharply.
But what is a truffle?What kind of species?
Why is he so good?
What does the taste of truffle look like?
How does it differ from ordinary mushrooms?